09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM*
© 2025.Queensgate Shopping Centre. All rights reserved. Site by i3MEDIA
Buy one get one free on 2oz Milkshakes only. Terms and Conditions: Cheapest product FREE. £3.39 for a milkshake, £3.89 for Cookie shake. If customer wants one of each the higher priced item is the one they pay for . One 1 per transaction. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Buy one get one free on 2oz Milkshakes only.
Terms and Conditions: Cheapest product FREE. £3.39 for a milkshake, £3.89 for Cookie shake. If customer wants one of each the higher priced item is the one they pay for . One 1 per transaction. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
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With over 90 shops, 15 places to eat and thousands of brands. Uncover hidden treasures and the unique shops that can only be found here at Queensgate.
A proud supporter of people with
Queensgate Shopping Centre, Long Causeway, Peterborough PE1 1NT, UK
09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Plan your visitCopyright © 2025.Queensgate Shopping Centre. All rights reserved
Site by i3MEDIA