09:00 AM to 08:00 PM
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM*
© 2025.Queensgate Shopping Centre. All rights reserved. Site by i3MEDIA
The latest exciting events coming to Queensgate
The magical world is full of wondrous creatures, enchanted objects, and powerful spells. We'll start with a short story about a wizard who discovers a hidden forest full of magical creatures! During our FREE Wizard School event you will: - Create a magical creature - Craft a spell - Potion making - Magical games - […]
Peterborough is in for a love-ly treat on Valentine’s weekend as Peterborough Positive teams up with St John’s Church in Cathedral Square and Gateway Film Festival to host a free big-screen film event on Saturday 15th February, from 5pm to 7:30pm. Whether you’re sharing the evening with a mate, a date, family, or friends, this […]
Discover your inner superhero with our SUPER free, fun, family events this February half term! Tell your friends and family! We hope to see you soon for a SUPER time! Don't forget to visit our retailers RB7 Art Centre CIC, LUSH and UNITY for additional FREE daily activities throughout half term.
Do you have wat it takes to be the ultimate quiz champion? Then, gather your friends and join us for Quiz Night at Tap & Tandoor. £100 for food vouchers and cash jackpot up for grabs. Just £2 per person - Maximum 6 to a team.
The Longest Yarn is more than an exhibition—it’s a tribute to the creativity of the crafting community and a powerful reminder of the courage of those who served during World War II. It invites visitors of all ages to reflect on this pivotal historical event while appreciating the dedication and artistry of the contributors who brought it to life.
With over 90 shops, 15 places to eat and thousands of brands. Uncover hidden treasures and the unique shops that can only be found here at Queensgate.
A proud supporter of people with
Queensgate Shopping Centre, Long Causeway, Peterborough PE1 1NT, UK
09:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Plan your visitCopyright © 2025.Queensgate Shopping Centre. All rights reserved
Site by i3MEDIA