09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM*
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This summer, Lush and Paramount Consumer Products launch a Turtle-y awesome limited edition product collection: Channel your inner hero in a half shell with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Cowabunga, Lush Fans! This summer, Lush has teamed up with Paramount’s iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to deliver less plastic and more (vegan) pizza with an exclusive range […]
This summer, Lush and Paramount Consumer Products launch a Turtle-y awesome limited edition product collection: Channel your inner hero in a half shell with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Cowabunga, Lush Fans! This summer, Lush has teamed up with Paramount’s iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to deliver less plastic and more (vegan) pizza with an exclusive range of Turtle-y awesome limited-edition exclusive products for the bath, shower, body, and hair. Renowned for innovating packaging-free cosmetic items — such as bath bombs, soap, shampoo bars, and solid body scrub — Lush has designed the whole collection to shell-ebrate innovation that removes the need for single-use plastic and encourage shoppers to grab a slice of 100% naked products formulated to work just as well as their packaged counterparts (dare we say … even better?).
Get ready to embrace less plastic and more pizza with the new Lush x TMNT collection: available from July 1st exclusively via the Lush app, and from July 4th at Lush stores and Lush.com
Drop into our Queensgate store today to discover handmade soaps, natural shower jellies, a myriad..
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Queensgate Shopping Centre, Long Causeway, Peterborough PE1 1NT, UK
09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
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Site by i3MEDIA